farewell gift (farewell禮物) are tokens of appreciation, symbols of goodwill, and expressions of gratitude exchanged when bidding adieu to a colleague, friend, or loved one. Whether you’re the giver or the recipient, navigating the etiquette surrounding farewell gifts is essential to ensure a meaningful and gracious exchange. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this social custom:

For Givers:

Budget Consideration: Set a budget that is appropriate for your relationship with the recipient and your financial situation. Remember, it’s the thought and sentiment behind the gift that truly matter.
Personalization: Tailor the gift to reflect the recipient’s interests, preferences, and personality. Personalization adds a heartfelt touch and demonstrates your thoughtfulness.
Presentation: Pay attention to the presentation of the gift. A beautifully wrapped package or a heartfelt card enhances the overall experience and adds to the sentiment behind the gesture.
Timing: Present the farewell gift at an appropriate time. Ideally, it should be given during a farewell gathering or a private moment before the individual departs.
Express Sincerity: Accompany the gift with a sincere message expressing your appreciation, well wishes, and fond memories. A heartfelt sentiment adds depth and meaning to the gift.
For Recipients:

Gratitude: Receive the farewell gift graciously and express genuine gratitude for the gesture. Regardless of the gift’s value or significance, acknowledge the thought and effort put into selecting it.
Appreciation: Take the time to reflect on the sentiment behind the gift rather than focusing solely on the material aspect. Appreciate the thoughtfulness and the memories shared with the giver.
Thank-You Note: Consider sending a thank-you note or message to the giver after receiving the gift. A simple expression of thanks reaffirms your appreciation and strengthens the bond between you and the giver.
Reciprocation: While not mandatory, reciprocating the gesture with a farewell gift of your own, a thoughtful note, or a gesture of appreciation further fosters goodwill and strengthens relationships.
By adhering to these etiquette guidelines, both givers and recipients can ensure that the exchange of farewell gifts is a meaningful and respectful gesture that honors the relationship shared and the memories created. Whether saying goodbye to a colleague, friend, or loved one, the act of giving and receiving farewell gifts serves as a heartfelt expression of appreciation, gratitude, and well wishes for the future.